"The Space Inside between You and Me" The series "The Space Inside Between You and Me" is made in reflection on our mind, body and spirit connection. Each vessel is an abstraction on a Buddha figure in seated meditation. The pieces are made with found objects that are collected while contemplating a certain time, place or personal relationship in my life. This series is a study on how our relationships are internal reflections of our collected mind, body and spirit experiences. Please click the image to the left to visit the gallery.
"Sacred Spiral Vases" These vases are made as meditations on different relationships I have had with people, places and times in my life. They are made in honor of the Sacred Spirals that have been a part of human mark-making and art work since the dawn of time. In a sense, they are memory containers and this notion of holding energy is prevalent in my work. Please click the image to the left to visit the gallery.
"Horizons" The Horizon series of vases are made in response to the multiplying lines of the moutain and clouds of the horizon as colors fade from one to another. They are also reminiscent of cocoons and pods containing change. Please click the image to the left to visit the gallery.
Commissions This work was commissioned by others. Please click the image to the left to visit the gallery.
Gallery of Other Work Please click the image to the left to visit the gallery.